InventHelp Inventor Develops Non-Invasive Urinary System for Men (SBT-1902)
PITTSBURGH, Dec. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- "I'm a registered nurse, and I was inspired while taking care of countless obese male patients with injuries that prevent them from moving in bed or being able to get out of bed to urinate in the bathroom. I thought there could be an innovative and non-invasive urinary system," said an inventor, from Santa Maria, Calif., "so I invented the VOID EASE. My design could minimize the chances of soiling the bed, which would be beneficial to both the patient and the nursing staff."
The invention provides an improved urinary system for men with a buried penis. In doing so, it offers an alternative to employing a male urinal that generally results in patients soiling themselves. As a result, it helps prevent urinary dermatitis or skin breakdown. It also increases comfort and self-esteem. The invention features a non-invasive design that is easy to place and use so it is ideal for hospitals, nursing facilities, and home healthcare settings. Additionally, a prototype model and technical drawings are available upon request.
The original design was submitted to the San Diego sales office of InventHelp. It is currently available for licensing or sale to manufacturers or marketers. For more information, write Dept. 23-SBT-1902, InventHelp, 100 Beecham Drive, Suite 110, Pittsburgh, PA 15205-9801, or call (412) 288-1300 ext. 1368. Learn more about InventHelp's Invention Submission Services at
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